Toys, toys everywhere…. what is the best to buy??
The toy market is a vast ocean of choices. And the king of this mighty big ocean is the plastic toy. Many parents today, do not favor plastic as it is known to contain harmful chemicals and is not biodegradable. So armed with the best intentions, parents often lose the battle when faced with the ground reality of price. More often than not, plastic toys win; for the simple reason of cost effectiveness.
Wooden toys cannot compare to the cost of the plastic toys, as plastic toys are cheaper to manufacture. They are available at a wide range of prices, suitable to every pocket.
But if you consider the durability and the timelessness of wooden toys to toys of other material, wooden toys win hands down. They can be passed on from generation to generation. For eg: the grandeur of a wooden train set is evident from the grandfather to the father and to the young son.
Arguments are given in favor of Lego the all-time favorite building blocks that can be played from 0 – 99 years (the box says so). Lego is made of plastic. And agreeably Lego is a challenging activity for all children in the higher age bracket. Children aged 6 years and more can accomplish the manipulation required in building new creations. Also, lego is not advisable for children under 4, owing to the size of some of the components.
For little toddlers, experts recommend wooden toys as they excite the imagination of the child, so that he learns to play with the toy without the distraction of the lights and sounds. It has also been said that the flashing lights in plastic toys hamper the normal growth of a child.
Another reason in favor of the wooden toy – what is the one habit that is common in all infants between the ages of 6 to 9months??
Oral fixation. In simple terms, putting things in their mouth.
At this age, most little ones are always putting things in their mouth, be it plastic, metal or wooden toys. These toys aren’t high on the list of things you want in your baby’s mouth with additives such as BPA.
Plastic toys can break easily and chip even more regularly. The uneven and broken edges could harm little children. Wooden toys are more durable.
As we know, that Play is an essential part of a child’s learning and emotional development. Wooden toys are a sensible choice for the very young.
And for the conscientious parent, wooden toys are recyclable and biodegradable. So when you buy your child a wooden toy, you teach by example. You say no to plastic in the most practical way possible.
Of course doing your bit for the environment too!!!